Thursday, January 2, 2014

14 in 2014

I don't really do resolutions.  They always just seem like an opportunity to set yourself up for disappointment.  "Hey, here is a thing that I feel bad about.  I am going to fix said thing about myself.  Surely, when I inevitably succeed at this, I will feel so much better about myself..."  Except that it never happens and I just end up feeling bad about not only whatever I resolved to change but also about how I failed to change.  So, instead of doing that, in 2012 I came up with 12 new things I wanted to do before 2012 ended (and by extension before the world ended.  I guess the Mayans got that one wrong).   There aren't really any rules other than they are things I want to do and things I haven't done before.  I didn't make the whole list that year although I did get a couple big ones checked off, but I am going to resurrect the list this year.  It's not really a big deal if I finish them all or not, but just having the list makes me try new things

So, the 14 things that I want to do in 2014 are...

1. Finish my dissertation (This is non-negotiable and completely boring)

2. Scuba dive (doing this tomorrow with my Mom.  Checking one off right away)

3. Bike trip in Italy.

4. Take a picture every day.  (This is probably the closest thing to a new year's resolution.  Most of the time it will be on Instagram and certainly I wont be able to post every day when I am traveling but I will catch up if I miss a day.)  Here is #1 off the coast of Caye Caulker in Belize.

5. Go rock climbing

6. Go to a concert at the Bowery Ballroom

7. Take a cooking class

8. Try reiki

9. Go to the American Visionary Art Museum

10.  Go to a college or professional football game (I can't believe I STILL haven't done this.  That's what I get for going to small private schools)

11. Muddy buddy.

12. Go to Paris (This will either be immediately before or after #3)

13. Go to Club 342

14. Korean Karaoke

Many of these wont mean anything to people not in Baltimore.  But thats ok.The idea is just to try new things or finally do those things that I keep saying I am going to do and never getting around to.  It doesn't really matter how big or small or silly they are, as long as its something that I can look forward to and something that will give me a new experience.

Cheers to 2014!  A year for adventure!

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