I think that one of the best things about travel is that really everything is pretty much the same, its just a little different and the little differences are what makes everything so entertaining. For example, in the US, the night traditionally ends around 2. The bars close, there arent generally too many after hours clubs, you go home and get sleep. Here, the clubs dont start going until 2. On Friday night, Kate, one of my roommates, and I stayed out dancing until, well Im not sure exactly but I think probably 3 or 4. And then on Saturday night, we were understandably quite tired. So we told our friend Sylvia that we were going to go to bed early, we wanted to be home by 1:30. She was shocked that anyone would go home at such an early hour. If you make a commitment to going out here, then you are in it for the long haul.
So with all intentions to go home early, we went to dinner, then to a house party where some guys had brewed some home made banana wine (it was possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever had but then I was also drinking Waragi, which is a Ugandan liquor that basically burns your taste buds off so maybe it tasted better (or worse) than I thought), and then to a club. And when Marta, my other roommate, and I got home to my extreme shock, the sun was coming up. Really, i could not believe it. Again, at home, I would not be able to stay up all night. I think the last time I did that was when I caught my flight here so that I would be sufficiently sleep deprived to sleep on the plane. But here, its standard practice. And I mean standard. And in the morning, instead of sleeping in, our friend woke us up to go to church. We didnt go of course, but he did. Along with everyone that had been out until 5 in the morning. Its just a little different...
But here are a couple of pictures...

Marta and Sylvia before the trouble started...


ahhh look how cute we are

Omundi (who woke us to go to church) and Teta, who i think may be the most beautiful woman in the world

Yep... that happened
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