Here is a little taste. The first is an article that I helped write that was recently published. The idea is to quantify how much gains could be achieved in life expectancy if maternal mortality, one of the most preventable forms of mortality, could be achieved. The second one I had absolutely nothing to do with but it very much speaks to why I have chosen to go into a field that studies and advocates for family planning and reproductive health. For so many reasons, family planning is one of the most important keys to improving health, development, wealth, education, and other opportunities for women and men all over the world. We are so lucky that women in our country have the ability to control when and if they want to have children and the freedom to take advantage of that (although there are so many, many people who would limit that right). The ability to control the number and timing of children can allow women to receive more education, participate in the labor force, regain health between pregnancies, and limit their risk for maternal mortality (bringing these two articles together). Even when I am worn down from work and dissertation, articles like the second one remind me how important it is that women be allowed to choose their reproductive destiny for themselves.