I am now a week into the fourth quarter. Its kind of incredible how fast time has flown by. Having midterms and finals every couple weeks just keeps everything moving along. This term I am taking one fewer classes than last term in order to give myself a break. But since, as my friend puts it, I am a "class whore" its difficult to be limiting myself to only 5. Im weird. I admit it. But, my class schedule kept me on track last year and I managed to swing all A's (I honestly don't know how thats possible. Im thinking theres an error somewhere in there. But if I've learned anything by now, its don't question good grades).
In between studying and blizzards last term, I also managed to apply for some jobs. Which turned out quite well, since I will now be the official Global Health Fellow for HIV/Family Planning Integration programs at USAID for the summer. Im not sure that the job itself will be all that useful in terms of skills building, but I am very excited to work at USAID and see how one of the biggest funding agencies in the world works. It will be a great opportunity to get an inside look at a behemoth in the public health world. But sadly what that means is that I will be neither returning to the NW or traveling somewhere requiring an overnight flight. Im beginning to panic at the thought of being in the US for over a year with no travel! How can this be?!! But I figure its got to happen sometime. And there could be worse places than DC for the summer.
I will be back in Seattle in the summer at least once, since Brother and Sarah are getting married. It will be a short stopover given that I actually have a full time job (Im still kind of bewildered at the idea) but still at least I will see Seattle in the summer once more.
In the meantime, spring has officially sprung in Baltimore. Its sunny and warm (even hot. It was almost 80 today) and the people are out celebrating. Im at the harbor right now, sitting at a Barnes and Noble, watching the people stroll around the harbor at the Chesapeake Bay. Earlier today I went running with a friend through a wilderness area and yesterday went to a farmers market. So all in all, not a bad weekend. Minus the homework... which speaking of, I must return to. But I hope everyone is doing well out there in Internet world. Once I start working at USAID, I will update you all farther on Public Health in Action!